Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Shea and I left for our afternoon run, beneath partly sunny skies and at a milk 45 degrees. It felt good. Eventually, I noticed that it had started to rain.

It was funny, because this rain felt different. I have run in the rain many times, in fact, it is one of my favorite times to run. However, today it just felt different. Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but it kind of hurt. Without thinking, I figured I must be running super fast. My amazing speed must be causing the rain to hit my face with extra force. So, I simply put my head down and continued running at my fast clip.

Then, like something had fallen from the sky with the answer, I noticed that small white balls were bouncing not only off of the ground, but my shoulders as well. Of course, that was the answer. It wasn't rain at all, I wasn't running any faster than normal, I was simply running, face first, into hail.
My boy didn't seem to mind, so we continued on our way to the park. Knowing that there wouldn't be any children out in the park, playing in the hail, I brought Shea to the nicely fenced in playground area. 
We ran around like idiots having a blast, as per usual. While doing so, I realized that it was quite a nice evening. In fact it was beautiful, even with hail pelting off my face. Gotta love mother nature! 

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