Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cash Snow

The other day, I made a profit while taking Shea for a run. Odd, I know, but I really, I did.

As we were running down the street, something flopping around caught my attention. Boy, am I glad it did. When I got close enough, I recognized Mr. Andrew Jackson. I looked around, as I have always been taught honesty. Nobody was out or around to claim this lovely twenty dollar bill, and it was in the middle of the street, not near anybody's property. So, I snapped a picture of my luck, before I slipped it in my pocket.
I don't mind running with Shea. In fact, I quite enjoy it. However, I learned that I like it even more when I feel as though I am making a profit for having fun. 

Ever since that day, I have had an extra keen eye out for anything greenish looking besides the grass. A few times I have done double takes, thinking I've hit the jack-pot again, unsuccessfully. That is how our run started out this afternoon. Shea and I were both on the lookout for cash while taking in the beautiful sights and sounds of early spring. 

One of those sights and sounds did not include children playing at the park. You may be able to tell this, by the fact that we were hanging out on the empty playground. 
You may also notice, that if you look closely, snow was starting to fly. Yup, March 30th and snowing. Actually, it wasn't just a little bit of flurries. The snow, from the point that this picture was taken, started coming down hard. Our run home did not include searching for dropped money. Who can see money through snow-covered ground? 

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