Monday, August 9, 2010

I Am Special

Early this afternoon, out of the blue, I received an email from a fairly good friend I haven't spoken to or seen in a few months. I was quite intrigued on what it could be, but was a little shocked when I opened it.

It simply looked like this:

Here is a picture of my a$$ just for you:

Baffled. Confused. Shocked. Revolted by the hairiness. All of these don't even begin to describe the things that were running through my head as I tried dearly to hold down my lunch. This was either mistakenly sent to me, or a sick joke. Trying to keep my cool, I wrote back.

"What the f*#k is wrong with you? I just threw up in my mouth." 

Yes, that was keeping my cool. I'm not someone to be easily repulsed, and I wasn't necessarily sickened by this picture. I felt it would be kind of funny if I understood the reason behind it. But, I didn't. Until I received a return email. Hesitant to open it, I found out that it was simply a bent knee, hence the misshape. For some reason when looking at his bent knee that looked like a butt crack, my friend thought of me. Wow, I must be really special! 

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