Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dog Running

I have always whole-heartedly believed that running with Shea is very beneficial. Shea reaps benefits that will hopefully help him to lead a longer, healthier life. And, I can't lie, I gain a lot from it too.

Yesterday, I found an article that supports everything I have believed for the past three and a half years; an article that gives seven reasons why running with your dog is a great idea. I agree with each of these seven reasons.

I began running with Shea for very similar reasons as the author of this article. I began running not because Shea was eating my flip-flops, it was more-so that he was eating my arms and legs. It was the only way I could calm his puppy-ness down. 

The running has continued now, long after Shea's arm and leg gnawing days. Our longest running drought actually just occurred. Giving birth caused the doctor to give me a prescription of non-exercise. I spent the past five weeks in an exercise coma. Walking was about the extent of it and personally, I don't consider walking, even when it is fast, to be exercise. As I have learned, Shea does not either. 

Since I was cleared to exercise this past Thursday, I of course, have been running on a daily basis. Don't think for a second that I am running without my buddy Shea. Problem is, he got a little more out of shape from the walking than I did. This means that I am doing a lot of jogging in place while Shea catches his breath. He is quite intelligent, as he fakes having to pee in order to get a little break. 

When that doesn't get him enough of a breather, he resorts to playing dead. This leads to any passerby's laughing hysterically at him or at me, either/or. I guess it would be quite funny from an outsiders perspective for this is what he looks like:
Every once in a while someone decides not to laugh and actually shows concern in fear of something being wrong with Shea. They will stop and ask if he is ok. The laughing comes when I explain that he is just currently out of shape and stubborn. 

He will get back to tip-top shape. I will make it happen, but not if it kills him. 

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