Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Three years ago, Joba Chamberlain was attacked by Midges during a post season game. Trying to pitch, he had to fight off swarms of Midges flying in his eyes, mouth, and ears. It was a disgusting site. An atmosphere that eventually led to a Yankee loss. That, I didn't mind.
Today, three years later, I have an issue with the entire event. The problem: the game took place in Cleveland. Every three years these Midges make an overpowering appearance, and swarm the city quite like they swarmed Joba that October night. Upset, because now I am a Clevelander who has to deal with these nasty little gnats.

Having gone to Case soccer games the past two nights, I have come into close contact with the Midges, because, well, 2010 is an every third year. These things are everywhere. You walk down the sidewalk and have to pick them out of your hair, eyes, and mouth. They are layered onto window glass, and squeeze their way through any crack or crevice.
Thrilled to have moved to Cleveland in this third year, Jeff thought it would be sweet if I spent a little extra time outside with my new Midge friends. So, when leaving, he jumped in the car and took off. I ran after him for a good three miles (slight exaggeration, more like the equivalent of 1 block), and then watched him drive away. I was laughing pretty hard as I was chasing, but once he turned the corner onto the main road, my laughter stopped. All I had was the company of the Midges until a campus security guard approached me to make sure I was okay. Just as I was about to break into hysterics about how my husband left me on the side of the road, he came around the corner to pick me up. 

I'm sure glad Jeff came back to get me, and I'm so happy that I am in Cleveland during a third year! 

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